Saturday, October 11, 2008

Updates and such

Geez, it's been almost 5 months since I've been able to update our blog. It's amazing how much time I don't have to do stuff like this. However, I will start updating more since my Junior League project is to work here every Saturday until the end of January. But since I don't have my own laptop with me I can't update with pictures of the girls.

Genevieve is growing so much!! She's already cutting teeth, one is all the way in and the other is not far behind. I'm guessing in a couple of weeks she will be fully mobile. Right now she can sit up by herself and army crawl across the floor. She'll get on her knees, rock a bit and then move about two "steps". Boy will our house change again!!!

Vivian is doing great at school. After the 3rd week she could write her name, a great accomplishment. She's enjoying her new teacher and has made some new friends in her class. Vivian keeps talking about her 5th birthday, which I'm not ready for since that means I have to get a year older... 35, not ready to think about that.

So, I will have some updated pics here either next Saturday or if I can this week when it's "quiet" at home.


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