Saturday, May 24, 2008

First Picnic

Here's a picture of the new babies of Supper Club! Jake, Genevieve and Drew. We all went to Cool Thursdays concert at the Dallas Arboretum on May 8. They all did a great job and of course loved the music. We will be there again next week!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A little over 2 months...

It's been a little over 2 months now since Genevieve came into our world, doesn't sound like a long time but it sure does feel that way sometimes.

She's starting to sleep longer through the night, at least 5-6 hours from the last feeding. At her 2 month check-up, she weighed 9.03 lbs. and measured 21". I say she has "kissable" cheeks now, there' getting a little plumper and the fat rolls are starting grow!

We are preparing for school to be over for Vivian. Summer officially starts next week. She will be going to swimming lessons and will go the VBS this year. Think we will spend a lot of time at the KC pool this summer, ready to have my hair highlighted!

Our family is doing well, enjoy the new pics of the girls. Will update more often, hopefully!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

March 10, 2008

Genevieve Alice Feagan

4 lbs. 15 oz. 18.5 inches

The long awaited arrival of our new princess. The blog has been neglected since Christmas, so there are several items which need to be added and will be as soon as I can get to it! With much anticipation our little girl is just perfect. As noted on a later post about concerns with the baby's bone lengths, we were told by the perinatologist she might be short (skeletal displayisia) or possibly Downs Syndrome. Needless to say Aaron and I didn't have much sleep the night before delivery.
We had dinner with my family the night before and my sisters Kimberly and Melanie were able to be in town, with much help to their husbands. Prayers were said, once again, our precious little baby. Darren and Pamela had Holy water from Rome and blessed everyone. Our prayers were answered with a clear bill of health, thank you for all of your prayers of petition. Our little Genevieve was covered at all ends: the Benedictine Nuns of the Redlands in Oklahoma, Sister Mary Rebbecca and a Priest which a personal friend of Darren and Pamela... just to name a few.

Vivian is having a lot of fun with her new sister. She is truly a great helper and is adjusting well to the new schedule. We are starting to go out as we had but a little at a time.

Genevieve is growing by leaps and bounds. At her 2 week appointment she weighed in at a whopping 5.15 and at 5 weeks was 7.08. We will see where we are on May 13 for her 2 month check up. She is starting to smile and "talk".